Velvets Police Memorial Site

Favourite Links

Dylan ~R.I.P~
National Police Remembrance Day
Fallen Officers-SA
Fallen Officers- AFP
Fallen Officers-VIC
Fallen Officers-TAS
Fallen Officers-NSW
Favourite Links
What is a Hero
Thank Youse
Fallen Officers-QLD

This is the Official Australian Police Memorial site

The Thin Blue Line is a site dedicated to NSW Police. If you are thinking of joining the Police this is the site for you. It even has a online forum for all the questions you wanted answered.

The official New South Wales Police website.

This site is the Australian Missing Persons Register and one women has done it voluntarly in her own time. This site is great and I visited it for 6 hours straight. Please have a look, you may change someone's life around.

This is a great site that I have visited frequently. Jim had done a fantastic job.

The work of NSW Police Legacy enables the families of deceased police to keep their memories and pride in their loved one alive, and remain part of the wider police family network.
Police Legacy recognises the role police perform in the community, the difficulties of a job which too often demands the ultimate sacrifice and the effect of this loss on their families.
When providing assistance, the Board of NSW Police Legacy always asks:
If this officer had not died, what would they have wanted for their family?
What opportunities would they have tried to give their children?